
Welcome to Skill-Share

Skill-Share is a decentralized application that allows users to exchange skills with each other in a peer-to-peer manner. The dApp can be used to connect users with complementary skills and facilitate skill-sharing and learning.
  • User Authentication:
    Users can sign in to the dApp using their preferred method of authentication such as MetaMask, WalletConnect, or other Web3 wallets.

  • Chat System:
    The dApp has a built-in chat system that allows users to communicate and arrange skill-sharing sessions.

> Person A: Have you checked out Skillshare on Polygon?
> Person B: No, what is it?
> Person A: Skillshare on Polygon is a platform where users can connect with others to share their skills, get help on various topics, and collaborate on projects.
> Person B: That sounds really cool. How does it work?
> Person A: Users can chat with other Persons based on their interests, and can share resources, and help each other out. Skillshare on Polygon provides a safe and supportive environment to learn new things and connect with like-minded individuals.